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Know your limits. Then go beyond them!

Content writing and Copywriting are the basis of Internet marketing. Whether you are a small or large web company, e-commerce store or digital marketing agency, you need high-quality content! After identifying the interest and psychology of your customers I can help you create unique content for social media, landing pages, email marketing and web content writing, which matches your overall marketing strategy.

You might have a great idea and basic content writing skills, but it takes a lot of time. Or you probably don't have enough resources and sometimes you don't know how to start. Stuck in your thoughts? Writing is a special skill. What might take you months to write, you can do in much less time when you hire somebody. Because I have the knowledge and experience to create a quality project for you. We'll take the ideas and turn them into articles, posts or professional text.

 A short history of my life


In my "previous" life I was a sportsman (actually I still can not live without it). The true sportsman has a strong character and always strives to give more than 100%.  
I started my sports career in rhythmic gymnastics when I was 8 years old. That life was the life of a mature person. Rhythmic gymnasts reach the professional level after 8 to 10 years of total devotion when they are still very young - at the age of 15, they can join the Senior National Team. You need to train mentally and physically to prepare yourself for such responsibility. The sports world also requires an incredible work ethic, spending long hours in the gym hall (until you fulfil the plan for that particular day) and being excellent at school. I think every sportsman dreams about competing at the Olympic Games.
As a seventeen-year-old girl, I have fulfilled my dream of taking part in the Olympic Games in Barcelona.
I also made the all-around finale at the World Championships in Athens in 1991, and the all-around finale at the European Championships in 1990.
To read more about me, you can visit Wikipedia:

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