Time management is an individual's ability to set and achieve goals over a specific time frame. Some of the synonyms for time management are the organization, planning, and efficiency.
Good time management skill separates the best manager from the average one. How? The most successful managers have their way of managing time, hence you get confused about their efficiency during working hours. But don't bother since time management and planning are skills everybody can learn (1).
This article will help you to learn these skills. So, let's get started.
Why is time management important?
Anyone tight with a task deadline knows how much pressure it can impose. Deadline makes us swear we will start planning, improve organization and delegate duties.
However, not just under the pressure of deadlines, we have to value our time. Time management is important since our life on planet Earth will not last forever.
A good organization of time and other resources is the first step in reducing stress. Also, good planning improves our efficiency and teaches us self-discipline.
What are some good time management skills?
Being outstanding in organizing does not mean being a workaholic! On the contrary. It means having more time to deal with important things. To help you persist in achieving your goals, I will show examples of good time management skills:
Plan carefully
Create a plan as the first step towards your goals. But be careful with to-do lists since they can become overwhelming and impose a burden of accomplishment. Also, never plan 100% of the time because you never know what unexpected activities might appear (2).
Learn to prioritise
One of the time management skills is separating urgent from important. We believe only the ambulances need to react immediately. So, don't fall into the trap and rush towards what doesn't matter.
Delegate duties
Delegating is one of the powerful tools of a good organization. This is one of the best ways to relieve unnecessary stress and spend your energy on relevant tasks. However, for those who like to control, the thought of delegating is likely to cause anxiety.
Say no to distractions
Learn to resist activities that are neither important nor urgent. Also, apply this concept to the people who steal your time and drain your energy.
Get rid of bad habits that take up your precious time – learn to say NO.
What are the key elements of time management?
The essential elements of time management are:
ability to define goals
setting priorities
eliminating what is not important
assertiveness and
forming healthy habits (3).
So, experiment for 21 days (apply these suggestions) and see what will happen. Let me know if you are satisfied with the results.
(1)Mind Tools Content Team, "What is Time Management?", https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_00.htm.
(2) Karen Hertzberg, "7 Essential Time Management Skills That Will Improve Your Life", https://www.grammarly.com/blog/essential-time-management-skills/.
(3) Mark Jackson, "What are The 5 Key Elements of Time Management?", https://learnfromblogs.com/what-are-the-5-key-elements-of-time-management.